A few days before Ramadhan my better half was down with cough and runny nose. Then tak lama lepas tu, I pulak kena. Siap satu set, demam, sakit tekak, batuk dan selsema. Kemudian on Friday lepas, I noticed Belle macam tak aktif macam selalu and badan nampak susut. We took her to the vet last Saturday, Dr. Angeline Tan confirmed Belle ada slight fever. So starting from Saturday she is on antibiotic and vit B Complex.
(on our way home after seeing the doctor)
Get well soon Belle. Kesian Belle.
Sekali, malam ni my better half is getting back all those nasty germs... Adehh.. Get well soon too Babe.
p.s: kalau beli buah longan or mata kucing, basuh thoroughly ya, sebab our family doctor bagitau di kulit buah tu terlalu banyak chemicals. Ada patient dia yg jual buah-buahan tu tapak tangan macam melecur.. Eee ngeri iskk..