Friday, August 3, 2012

Sahih atau tuduhan?

Sebenarnya I dh promised to myself tak mahu blog about anything yang tidak molek yang berlaku di ofis yang boleh stress bila baca balik tapi I think I need to address it juga sebab I rasa dah jadi macam penyakit kebanyakan orang kita yang suka memperbesar-besar kan satu-satu isu tanpa mendapat penjelasan atau fakta yang sahih. Mereka lebih suka membuat konklusi sendiri yang lebih menjurus kepada menuduh. (walaweiii dah macam pembaca berita daa).
Seperti kejadian yang berlaku baru-baru ini, a higher rangking officer has claimed that a staff was rude to a customer but when the issue been attended it was contradicted. The customer said the staff was pleasant, she even praised the staff was very helpful. When the matter been updated to the higher ranking officer yang mengadu tadi, she went berserk and start cakap in her higher pitching note then start marah the officer yang membantu dan updating her the situation.
To me, if si Spacey ni yang memekak adakala rasa nak I jemput mulut dia..

I rasa sure sesiapa yang dengar how high pitch higher ranking officer tu 'menyalak' tentu rasa nak staple je mulut minah tu dengan dawai kokot yang heavy duty.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone 4S

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