On Thursday 28/11/2013, in the middle of my training (around 4pm), I received a call from AMC.." ya Allah.. please don't let them deliver bad news, ya Allah let the call because of they are so sibuk nak top up lagi.. " that was what my heart babbled.
"This is Dr. Rajan (I think that was the name that been uttered..sebab tak berapa nak dengar..hati tengah buk bak buk bak..) Annie's having a mild seizure in the afternoon, so I would like to know has this ever occured before?" I was like "WHAT?!" but that was said in my heart lah..... I jawab, "No, she never has any kind of seizure before..not even major or minor illness except eyesore." "We would like to take her blood for test so we could determined what's the cause, I hope you could give the consent" sambung Dr. Rajan.. I terus cakap ok.. then I asked him, how is she now? did she develop any fever? Dr. Rajan beritahu, currently she is ok, so far no fever tapi mereka syak mungkin virus. I told Dr. Rajan, I will be coming to AMC with my better-half.. he may go ahead with the treatment..(dalam hati: Ya Allah, tolong jangan ambil Annie.. hamba MU yang sering khilaf ini merayu..)
Sepanjang Jalan Tun Razak massive traffic, i waited for my better-half patiently sambil dalam hati zikir dan doa tak putus pada yang Esa. Hanya pada jam 8:30 malam, barulah dapat jejak kaki di AMC, di tempat menunggu rawatan, terdapat se ekor canine yang besar mungkin baka Alsatian sedang menanti resah untuk dipanggil, kesian di punggung nya terdapat bisul yang agak besar.. terpandang ada kesedihan dimata si kacak itu. Tak lama, kami dibenarkan untuk masuk ke wad untuk melawat Annie.. Annie masih dalam keadaan groggy sebab mereka terpaksa beri ubat untuk kurangkan serangan seizurenya itu.
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ini photo Annie, a day sebelum kena seizure ( Actually photos are prohibited to be taken, but being me, i tangkap curi2) |
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even when my better-half hulur jari je, she responded well.. |
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having cone around your neck and covering your head and face mmg meresahkan.. |
Annie kembali dipasangkan tiub untuk ubat dan air, I saw her luka operation nampaknya dah mula nak heal. Alhamdullillah. Tak lama kemudian, Dr. Saribu Sulaiman, a nice looking (very friendly and senyum je) came and told us that they has taken Annie's blood for test and the result stated Annie's positive of a virus that probably trigger the seizure (Allah sahaja yang tau my heart crushed knowing about it but I have to be strongfor her sebab I need to take care of this little lady nanti).
I bid her farewell for the night and promised to visit her tomorrow, afterwork.
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jiran Annie masa dalam ward, siap pesan kat sicomel ni jgn bising2 nanti Annie stress.. :) |
Hari Jumaat, 29/12/2013, before I go home, as promised I went and visit Annie kat AMC, I saw Annie still with tube resting, sebaik sahaja Annie nampak kami masuk ke wad, terhoyong hayang dia nak bangun seperti nak acknowledge kami. Senangnya hati kami bila tenguk dia dah mau datang dekat kami, serta demanded for us to rub her body. I asked ada tak serangan seizure, En. Ganesan yang bertugas beritahu ada mild seizure pada jam 4.00 ptg hari itu.. (dalam hati, mulalah nak menyumpah sebab no one inform me about the matter.. mereka ingat ni kes apa ni.. tapi pujuk hati sendiri.. Annie ok). My better-half decided not to take home Annie on Saturday (the next day) as planned.. tapi on Sunday, let Annie under AMC supervision for another day.
Hari Ahad (1/12/2013), we went to AMC at 3.00 pm nak bawak Annie pulang. Dr. Saribu Sulaiman beritahu, pada hari Jumaat jam 4.00 petang serangan seizure Annie lebih teruk dari serangan hari Khamis (my heart crushed for the second time), however after that day, dari hari Sabtu hingga ke hari ini (Rabu, 4/12/2013) alhamdullillah Annie tidak diserang seizure lagi.. moga-moga Annie bebas dari serangan tersebut.
Annie really get a very warm welcome home by her sibs.. especially the boys.. semua kerumun kat carrier nak tenguk and tanya kabar Annie..
Annie really get a very warm welcome home by her sibs.. especially the boys.. semua kerumun kat carrier nak tenguk and tanya kabar Annie..
Tapi yang paling teruja adalah Tuah. Though Annie has come home, tapi Annie kami confine dalam cage dan bila kami kemas tempat mereka, we will let Annie roam free but under our supervision. So far, all of them kinda understand that Annie is still not well and need to be stressed free. So no hissing apalagi cat fight dengan Annie except sesama mereka lah..
Annie still on Antibiotic and ubat untuk her nerves, doctor bekalkan untuk 10 hari, after that they want to examine Annie kembali. I pray that Annie tak perlu makan ubat seumur hidupnya..
Kepada Aidah, Cikgu Anis, Juls Julie; & others, thanks for your kind d'ua, semuga Allah SWT membalasnya dengan jutaan kebaikkan. Aaminn.
First of all, alhamdulillah. Fuhh!! Lega rasa. Berdebar2 baca entri ni. I'm sorry na sebab tak tanya you before pasal annie. Bukan tak ingat cuma risau kalau dapat bad news. Cuma lepas solat I doakan U dan Annie. No need to thank me, na. Jadi tanggungjawab sebenarnya sebab U memang sahabat yang sangat baik. Semoga Annie terus sihat dan U pun jaga kesihatan ya. Musim demam ni.
Don't apologize, please. Whether you tanya or not, i tau you still care. Last month i really had a tough time, mana sibuk dgn kerja, pastu balik rumah kena berdepan dengan kitten yg tak bernyawa.. at one stage when my kittens been killed accidently by the cats I'm so down.. tapi bila pikir balik, dah rezeki mereka setakat tu je kat dunia ni.. who am i to protest. aamiin to your kind doa my friend, in sha Allah i will be ok.. Annie pun in her recovery. I hope you pun jaga kesihatan. semuga selalu sihat, bisnes bertambah maju.. aaminn. sekarang hari2 hujan rasa macam nak autumn in my heart plak..haha.. take care my dear friend.
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