Thursday, August 2, 2012

The weather is clear?

Not talking about the weather but this is about my anak bulus named Belle. Last Saturday we brought her to the Vet sebab she's feeling under the weather which Dr. Angeline Tan confirmed kan Belle demam. So she was on antibiotic for the past 4 days (sepatutnya 5 but I was so darn tired, sampai terlupa bak bagi.. Arghh) and she looks much better but her fur still nampak criss-cross a bit not as bad as before.

Masa di kelinik hari tu, the Dr. told me the reason Belle's fur tu criss-cross sebab tak cukup air dalam badan.  Awat lah Belle, chek pi catu ayaq na. Syabas korang ayaq, chek plak yang risau ka? So if you nampak your cat/s bulu macam semacam tu the possibilities dia kurang air adalah besar. Jadi sila lah bantu mereka minum air dengan beri mereka melalui botol susu atau picagari (without the needle ya.. If anyone of you intend to do that - with needles, I takan teragak-agak poke your nose with the same syringe tau) atau last but not least bawa lah ke Vet where they can attend it with giving the water via drip.

Belum pulih sepenuhnya tapi if dah mau bermain and jalan pun dah tak terhoyong-hayang, itu sign of recovery. Alhamdullilah.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone 4S

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